
Contact us if you are a top school, premium brand or cool student!

For Leading Schools:
You are a top schools who would like to join as member, make a video and get a splendid and limited profile page with fancy conversion tools?
Contact Max by Email:

For Premium Brands:
Premium brands who would like to partner for a great educational video or series with massive exposure can contact us as well. Also drop an Email if you don’t have a clue what kind of video you would like to make and only know that it is great to do something educational related to your organisation or product. We come up with the idea for you.
Contact Cass:

For Cool Students:
You are a student who stands out from the ordinary and likes to join some of our video productions around the globe as a Reporter, Interviewer or Challenger?
Then reach out to our Head of Talent and convince her. She is very friendly, especially on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Contact Juliene;